Sunday, October 22, 2006

Here's The Catch

I got a notice from NY State Department of Motor Vehicles the other day reminding me that my driver's license expires on my birthday and I need to renew it. As I don't have a social security number I have to go down to the DMV and wait in line, have my photo taken and pay $50 for a five year renewal. (I know, to Europeans this is a bizarre idea. There you take a test and if you pass you are pronounced competent to drive- unless you have an accident or injury you are set until your crusty old age, and they don't fleece you $50 bucks every few years either).
But, whatever, you do what you have to do. I gather my 6 points of ID necessary to get my new license, plan a trip to the Dept of Social Security to get a letter that states I am a legal alien and an appointment at the hairdresser so I don't look like an alien when they take my photo for the license and then I read the fine print.
As part of the Patriot Act and to ensure the security of the USA I have to have a passport valid for a year; check, and a visa valid for six months. No. No. No. My visa extension was granted for nine months in July. It expires in March 2007. Our immigration lawyer assures us we will have our I 140 approved by February and that will give me my own SS number (which by the way is the same as the Taxpayer Identification Number I was given when I arrived, so the authorities know who I am and where I live and they collect taxes from me every year).
What am I supposed to do between November 25 and sometime in February? Drive on my international license? Stay at home?
If anyone in Congress really thinks that this will prevent illegal aliens from getting to work then they are delusional. It will only encourage people not to get driving licenses or insurance. It won't prevent terrorism it will simply drive people underground and piss off people like me who do everything by the book and still end up being punished.


Unknown said...

oh dear...what a hassle. I'm sorry you have to go through that. the DMV sucks as it is...especially the one on Long Island. When I lived out there I went to the one near Old Country Road...

yes of course they make you pay the fee. it's the US govt after all. I'm sorry you won't be able to drive with a valid US license but maybe you can just use your intl license and carry your expired one with you...also, can't they give you an interim license?

modernemama said...

Gosh, this post was a while ago. Turns out the DMV in Huntington is quick, efficient and staffed by adorable people. (I know! The shock! So unlike Westbury) I eventually got a new license stamped temporary visitor until Jan '07 in red block letters across the top - followed six weeks later by my green card!
I've traveled by plane on my license numerous times since and no one has said anything about the temporary visitor thing!!!

Unknown said...

DMV lines are so long like it's gonna end somewhere in Asia. LOL! I haven't had my ID yet. How's that?!

Hope you got your license by the time you read this. :)

modernemama said...

Still using the "temporary visitor until '07" as my ID when I fly within the US. No TSA official has ever commented on it. So weird.
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